Qomnews : The CEO of the Parks and Green Space Organization of Qom Municipality emphasized the need to strengthen the provision of services to citizens in the service areas of parks, including restaurants, booths, and playgrounds.
Municipality stresses boosting services in Qom parks
Payam Javadian made the remarks referring to holding a meeting of the organization’s managers with investors and welfare service units of the organization regarding strengthening the provision of services to pilgrims and citizens.
In this meeting, topics such as observing the dignity of the city of Karimeh Ahl al-Bayt (PBUH), compliance with approved prices, compliance with health protocols, and providing proper services to pilgrims were discussed.
Stating that the operators also raised their issues and problems in this meeting, he noted, “Necessary instructions have been given to investigate and resolve the problems so that we can provide better services to the pilgrims and citizens.”
The organization is set to provide proper services to pilgrims and citizens, and in this regard, we should be able to solve the issues and problems related to the operators while providing adequate supervision, he concluded.