The mayor of Qom says organizing the city’s central core by implementing three projects, completing Phase 5 of Ammar Yaser, regulating Motahari Square, and carrying out studies of the Imam Musa Sadr underpass are on the municipality’s priorities.
The Deputy for Transport and Traffic of Qom Municipality says increasing the car entrance capacity is on the municipality’s agenda, in addition to separating the car entrance route to the Pilgrim Parking lot.
The head of cultural, social and sports organization of Qom Municipality says that with the cooperation between the municipality and the province’s welfare, efforts are being made to open a specific place to supply the capabilities and products of the clients under supporting institutions.
The director of Qom Municipality Transportation and Traffic Organization announced that 20 intersections have been approved by the technical committee which the traffic organization is implementing their smartization, and by the end of this year, all of them will be operational.
The Vice President of the Yazd Islamic City Council says the Yazd City Management sector to welcom the establishment and signing of the sisterhood agreement with Qom.
The head of the Qom Islamic City Council announced the formation of a legal committee in Qom Municipality, saying the mechanism of this committee can be implemented throughout the country to ensure the rights of municipalities and we are ready to develop the committee’s rules and hope to be implemented in the country.
The head of the Waste Management Organization of Qom Municipality announced the beginning of the project of cleaning the entrances of the city with the title of welcoming the spring and preparing the city for the presence of Nowruz travelers and pilgrims.
The final stage of the national wheelchair basketball tournament is being held, hosting by the Isar Shimidar team and in cooperation with the Cultural, Social and Sports Organization of Qom Municipality.
The Director General of Coordination and Supervision of Urban Services of Qom Municipality announced the readiness of Qom Urban Management Complex to hold glorious celebrations of the Ten-Day Fajr (Dawn) ceremonies, marking the anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
The first national conference of Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani’s school of Thought was held in the city of Qom with the cooperation of Qom Municipality and the Islamic City Council.
The acting head of transportation and traffic deputy of Qom Municipality has announced that audio and video systems will soon be installed on city buses for blind and deaf citizens.
The director general of the Parks and Green Space Organization of Qom Municipality has declared that Qom ranks third in the country after the cities of Isfahan and Shiraz in terms of green space.
Director of Passive Defense and Crisis Management Center of Qom Municipality has announced that the hazardous materials maneuver was held in order to reduce the effects of disastrous incidents in the city.